Yabo-mura Village, centered around the “Yabo Tenmangu” shrine built in 903 AD, was an agricultural community with prosperous rice paddies, cultivated fields, and silkworm farming. Due to JR Kunitachi Station, built in 1925, and Hitotsubashi University, the residential and commercial districts expanded. Yabo-mura Village became Kunitachi City, which is called a “university town” because there are many schools, and the farming fields are disappearing.
However, even now a spring gushes from the shrine, woods still remain along the cliff line, and many different animals live in the beautiful rural landscape.
Please enjoy the garden city of TOKYO Yaho, where you can experience both city and country life!
*The city’s name was originally pronounced “Yabo.” However, it became linked with the term “yabo,” which means an unrefined country bumpkin, so the city eventually came to be called “Yaho.” The station’s name is “Yaho,” but the correct spelling for the shrine is “Yabo Tenmangu.”